Development of thermophilic microorganisms for syngas conversion to biobased fuels and chemicals

Synthesis gas (syngas) mainly consists of hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO)
that accumulates as waste gas in steel milling or can be produced from biomass by incomplete combustion. The bio-based
conversion of this versatile energy carrier to fuels and valuable chemicals (Syngas fermentation) is of high economic
and social interest, since it is a sustainable technology that captures CO2.
Syngas fermentation is carried
out by anaerobic bacteria that naturally mostly produce acetic acid (acetogens). Currently, the process is mainly studied
with mesophilic acetogenic bacteria (TOPT 30–40°C). However, fermentations at elevated temperatures have several
advantages, including a lower risk for contamination, higher conversion rates, and lower cooling costs. Moreover, only a
handful of thermophilic acetogens have been described, incl. Moorella thermoacetica und Thermoanaerobacter kivui.
A syngas fermentation process at high temperature has not been established.
Hence, in “ThermoSynCon”, we will study the
potential of thermophilic acetogens and develop them into platform strains for industrial application.
For more details on the BMBF call on "Mikrobielle Biofabriken für die industrielle Bioökonomie - Neuartige Plattformorganismen für innovative Produkte und nachhaltige Bioprozesse" see here